Dream! Take Risks! Embrace Challenges! Keep Going!
Sometimes the best medicine is the outdoors! Whether it is in some of our beautiful protected parks or your backyard there are messages that can be offered by nature when we care to listen and learn from them!

Find out more about this program here!

The expression of who you are is so important but can sometimes be difficult to talk about. As an LGBTQ+ ally I provide a safe environment to explore your sexuality and the expression of your authentic self.

Healing Centered Therapy is also known as Trauma Informed Therapy. It's an approach to healing that takes into consideration the traumatic experiences someone has had. The severity of a trauma, the developmental stage when it occurred and the number of traumas can all alter a life. I always develop treatment plans with my clients keeping these in mind. I have advanced certification in the Neurosequential Model of Therapeutics (NMT) which was developed by Dr. Bruce Perry.